Dealing with Hard Water

Dealing with Hard Water

Is hard water bad for your hair? The answer is YES!   What is hard water? What exactly is hard water? It’s a term used to describe water that’s full of minerals. The problem is that when we wash out hair in hard water, these minerals build up and harden inside...
Home Haircare During Lockdown

Home Haircare During Lockdown

Well we certainly couldn’t have predicted being in this current situation, all of us (except any key workers) being isolated in our homes for a minimum of 3 weeks and much of the world being forced into a state of lockdown. The majority of businesses closed for an...
Autumn / Winter Hair Trends 2019

Autumn / Winter Hair Trends 2019

It doesn’t seem five minutes ago and we were spending many of summer nights relaxing in our gardens, now the leaves are falling and the conker hunt begins and yes we’re talking about the Autumn/Winter hair trends for the coming months. So, I’ve been compiling looks...